second power

英 [ˈsekənd ˈpaʊə(r)] 美 [ˈsekənd ˈpaʊər]

网络  二次幂,平方


  1. It was the second power collapse in these many days.
  2. If you have a fifth child, you start the name cycle all over again, so that the fifth child is really known as something like: Wayan to the Second Power.
  3. Either one would be ideal as a second power forward and part time center if you had a legit starter who could rebound and play defense more than anything else.
  4. Classical and quantum oscillators of quartic anharmonicity are solved analytically up to the second power of ( weak-coupling constant) by using the multiple-scale perturbation theory.
  5. Although no single indicator in energy industry tops in the world, China is the second power generator, fifth biggest petroleum and natural producer.
  6. This paper has proved that a plane curve cis a circle if and only ifc is the locus of a moving point that has a constant second power average of distances from n fixed points.
  7. The second circuit is supplied with electricity by a second power cord and receives a character line selection signal of the corresponding character line.
  8. Analysis and Disposal of the Existing Problems in the Sharing Spare Transformer for Halt by Ninghai First and Second Power Plants
  9. In this paper, the component feature of congruent number square of the second power was presented, especially in combination principle of its series extensive diagonal lines.
  10. When the gradient parameters of media vary by the law of the second power, analytical solutions of the problem are obtained. The stick zone and the slip zone and distributions of the shearing traction and relative slip quantities in these zones are given.
  11. Analysis on Seepage and Stability of Bank Slope For Storage Reservoir of the Second Power Plant of Yangquan City
  12. On the basis of the fly ash's lixiviation test of the second power plant of Taiyuan, we study on the rules of the fly ash stored there has an effect on the water environment.
  13. The mathematic model of the tree-factor of NPK and yield/ hm 2 is established on the second power of current revolve regression analysis.
  14. This paper introduces partial structure design of shidengkou second power plant which is designed technologically by DRAVO WELLMAN Company.
  15. Absolute Value and the Second power of Function
  16. The eigenstates of the second power of the annihilation operator of a two-parameter deformed harmonic oscillator are constructed, and their completeness has been demonstrated in terms of the qs-integration.
  17. The constitute and work principle of ATP is introduced. The fine pointing tip/ tilt mirror, second power supply system, closed loop controller in the satellite is designed, and the test result of the system performance is proposed.
  18. Design of RTU integrated with SCADA system in Baoji second power plant
  19. Application of the Second Power Bezier Curve to the Log Cross Section Outline Fitting
  20. In this paper, it was proposed the dilatancy occurred in soil mass is a second power effect of applied deviator stress.
  21. In this paper, according to the example of the generator stator transportation on the road from Harbin Electrical Machinery Plant to Jixi Second Power Plant studied security and stability of awkward and lengthy cargo transportation on the road.
  22. The problem of second power mean value computing formula of digital square sum function in base is solved, then use element method and conjecture, induction to give an exact calculating formula A2 ( N, n).
  23. Introduces the application of integrated automation system in SIS, emphatically describes the configuration, monitor object and system function of Network microprocessor monitor system in Shizuishan Second Power Plant.
  24. In either case the internal friction is found to be proportional to the first and second power of ( 1-S), where is the degree of long range order.
  25. Design and realization of stability control system in Shizuishan second power plant
  26. There exist second power function relation between available P, available K and soil depth.
  27. An example about fault-tolerant design of second power control system is given; by simulate the software and hardware fault of power control system, it is proved that this method can completely verify the fault-tolerant capability and reliability of fault-tolerant design of satellite power control system in orbit.
  28. The second power of growth rate of recrystal grains linear increase with stored energy.
  29. Because of the great similarities of the operation and management in the thermal power industry, the optimization plan of internal control of Jingyuan Second Power Co., Ltd. also provides great reference for other domestic thermal power enterprises.
  30. The load and the characteristics of the equipment and energy saving potential for the region of DengFeng Daqing oil field new central heating system heat-Dengfeng coal-fired power plant boiler room and the central heating system of Second Power Plant were analyzed.



  1. the product of two equal terms
    1. nine is the second power of three
    2. gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance

    Synonym:    square